1 Corinthians 3:6,7- I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.

I was overwhelmed this morning at the revelation that God can open anyone's eyes at any time to His goodness… and when that happens, the choice to follow HIm or to continue on one's current path is almost irrelevant. God's glory is far more beautiful, far more desirous, and far more satisfying than anything this world has to offer.

Even as I had this revelation, I thought about what Jesus said to Thomas, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe", and was reminded that it takes faith to see God; and then I thought about James 4:8 that says to draw near to God and He will draw near to us….

It seemed like we need some sort of a catalyst to compel our loved ones that don't yet know God to begin to draw near to Him- to begin to ask what if there is something more, something better than my current reality… and it hit me- the catalyst is YOU AND ME!

We hold in our hearts the most valuable substance offered to mankind- salvation by grace through faith! It is our words and our actions that are to be the catalyst that causes our loved ones to begin to draw near to God. He is so willing to reveal Himself to all who would draw near to Him.

Lord, please give us Your wisdom and boldness to really truly be Your hands and feet extended. Let our voices speak and sing of Your great love toward us. Consume us until You are all that remains!

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    Nate Long

    There are things that I like
    There are things that I love
    And there are things that I absolutely LIVE for!


    December 2013

