HELLO 2014- Current Location & Desired Destination

When I want to drive somewhere I haven't ever been, I do what most people living in the 21st century do- I type the address into my Google Maps app on my smartphone! Once I have the desired destination set, I have one other piece of information to enter in- my current location. Without both pieces of information, my app is useless.

The same is true with the process of setting goals.

Oh! Did I confuse you with that last statement? That's Right! Setting good attainable goals is a PROCESS. We have to give our goals these 2 coordinates before they will have any oomph behind them:

         Where do I want to end up?
    Where am I RIGHT NOW?
By asking myself where I want to end up, what I'm really doing is allowing myself to dream... And when I really allow myself to dream about what could be, I give passion to my goal... And passion is what keeps us motivated when things get hard.

By taking an honest look at where I am now, I'm taking a look at several things:
    What do I BELIEVE about myself
    What are the things that are important to ME
    WHY do I want to set this goal

Sounds easy enough right? But let me tell you that the journey of self-discovery is difficult and perilous. Over the next couple of weeks, we will talk about what it really means to ask yourself these 2 questions- and what impact honestly answering them will have on our journey of change.

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    Nate Long

    There are things that I like
    There are things that I love
    And there are things that I absolutely LIVE for!


    December 2013

